Activity and Discussion Prompt: Understanding Elected Office

Topic Progress:

A great learning tool for younger girls (ages 5-9) is through interactive and imaginative play. For older girls (ages 9 and above) it can be helpful to build skills of critical-thinking and application. As you help the girl in your life better understand the roles of elected officials select the activity that best matches her age and interest.

Prompt #1 (ages 5-9)

Let’s use our imagination to live a day in the life of the governor! Use your best drawing skills to draw her and all of the cool and important things she is up to!

  • Draw a picture of Madam Governor – maybe she looks just like you!
  • What does Madam Governor eat for breakfast?
  • How does Madam Governor find out what’s happening in her state today?
  • Who does Madam Governor get to meet today?
  • What does Madam Governor love about her big day?

Prompt #2 (ages 9 and above)

Start by talking to her about imagining seeing the world through the eyes of an elected official. Here are some easy places to start (and you can substitute another job if your girl is familiar with a particular person):

  • Q: What do you think makes a good president?
  • Q: What do you think the president’s job is?
  • Q: What would be the first thing you would do as president?