
Overcoming Racial Bias on Your Leadership Journey

Recorded in May 2021

Our country was founded on principles that privileged some and excluded others. The resulting system of bias makes many things more difficult for women and people of color. This includes running for office.

Until leaders at all levels look more like the overall population, there will continue to be racial biases baked into our democracy. That’s why we need your voice at the table. In this session, we will discuss how to center the needs, challenges, and triumphs in your community as you battle a system that was initially set up to exclude you from participation.

Whether in the boardroom, on the Senate floor, or at a Town Hall meeting, we only reach the best solutions when we create space for all voices. In this webinar, we discussed embracing your leadership potential while shutting down racist stereotypes and microaggressions and demanding your seat at the table.

After watching this webinar, you will be better able to:

  • Shut down inappropriate speech, questions, or behaviors
  • Grow your personal leadership confidence
  • Build leadership opportunities as and for people of various races and ethnicities

Got a question? Send us an email at [email protected].