Explore Your Curiosity Around a Run for Office
The She Should Run Community provides you with a starting place to help you discover what your unique path to public leadership could look like.
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If you care, you're qualified.
Our country needs more women at the table, speaking up about what matters to our half of the population. You may think you need a certain degree, years of experience, or amount of money to get started. You don’t. All you need is the drive to make change and the support to see it through. You’re already qualified!
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We want to make it as easy as possible for women, even those only remotely considering public leadership, to have free access to the materials, resources, and personal connections that can make the difference in supporting her future run.
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For Every Stage of Exploration
Consideration can look like a lot of things. We create resources and programs that make public leadership accessible and approachable for women whether they are casually curious or ready to roll.