Ready to take action in your community?

Volunteering at the local library. Speaking at a city council meeting. Writing a letter to the editor. There are so many ways to make a difference. Where do you fit in?

Our four-week email course will guide you through finding your passion, honing your skills, and making a plan to get more involved in your community.

Here’s what you get:

  • Four course emails with information and activities that help you connect your purpose to ways to contribute
  • A downloadable workbook to guide you through your civic engagement journey
  • Reflection questions to help you gain a deeper understanding of what you’ve learned

You should try this course if:

  • You want to take on a more active role in your community but aren’t sure where to begin
  • You are looking to utilize your skills to help others
  • You’d like tips on how to grow your network
  • You could use guidance around making a plan of action

Got a question? Send us an email at [email protected].