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Contributions to She Should Run (EIN: 20-4210843), a non-profit 501(c)(3), are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

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to Inspire the Leaders of Tomorrow

Women’s leadership is in a state of emergency. The women who are on the ballot for 2024 were inspired to run years ago. If we don’t invest in the long-game work of helping the leaders of tomorrow identify themselves now, our government will remain by and for men.

That’s why She Should Run has launched a sustainability campaign to raise funds that will drive our transformational work of providing millions of American women the inspiration they need to consider elected leadership.

More Than a Gift

In a time of increased challenges and unpredictability, the support we receive through multi-year pledges allows us to better plan for the future and adapt to women’s ever-evolving needs. By pledging your multi-year support, you become a collaborative investor in the vital work being done to inspire more women to consider a run for office.

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