What Drives Us To Vote

| Ally Cummings

2020…what a year, right? Election years are always chaotic but in the midst of a pandemic and civil unrest, we’ve all been part of arguable the most critical election in our nation’s history. Elections aren’t just about voting for the President. They are about determining who we want to lead our schools, our police departments, our courts. They are a time for us to pick the laws in which our communities live by. 2018 was a record-breaking year not only for women’s representation but for voter turn out. If we want to create a country that works for all of us, it takes all of us showing up to get it done, every election cycle.

As women who work day in and day out to improve our country’s democracy and get more women on the path to elected office, voting is important to us all. Many of our own live-in critical swing states that could have a huge impact on where our country goes next. That’s why we’re sharing why we’re all showing up to make our voices heard in 2020 and what this moment means to us.

From our Founder + CEO, Erin Loos Cutraro

We’re standing on the shoulders of women who pushed us to where we are today—and it’s in this election, and every election thereafter, that we have a responsibility to do our part in building for a better tomorrow. My vote is my chance to make my voice heard and to lift up those who may not otherwise have the representation they deserve.

From our Chief Of Staff, Christina Jackson Scott

Generations before me fought and died to allow my voice to be heard, and I  wouldn’t dare squander my right. Voting ensures I have a say in the issues that personally affect me and my communities now and for the generations to come.

From our Director of Marketing + Technology, Melissa Morris Ivone

I still feel incredibly guilty that I skipped voting in a number of elections after I turned 18. The excuse I told myself was that I didn’t know enough to make a decision that would be helpful. I wish I could go back in time and shake that young woman and tell her that it’s her duty to learn enough because her voice matters. I don’t have control over everything that happens in my town, my state, or my country. But voting is one incredibly important way to have a say in the decisions that affect my life.

From our Digital Communications Manager, Ally Cummings

Showing up at the ballot box is my way of not only ensuring I played a role in our democracy but also paying tribute to all the suffragettes from history. I’ve read the stories of these remarkable women who never got the chance to vote but didn’t let that hold them back from fighting for future women and I can’t help but feel gratitude. I stand on the shoulders of women, like Ida B. Wells, Dr. Mabel Ping-Hua Lee, and Alice Paul who came before me, as I take my power to the polls to ensure a better future for the women after me.    

From our Donor Relations & Partnerships Manager, Kaitlyn Newman

As I shared on my personal social media last week after casting my vote early here in Texas (!!): voting is my right, because a healthy democracy requires that we all participate. Voting is a privilege to not take lightly and one still under threat, after generations of hard-fought struggle, for too many communities in this nation. Voting is harm reduction: while it doesn’t eliminate the powerful possibilities of community organizing or direct action to shake up the status quo, it can ensure there are receptive people in power who can be moved to pass policies that protect you. To me, voting is all three at the same time. 

From our Development & Operations Assistant, Sara Mwamlima

Not too long ago not only would I not have been able to vote because I’m a woman, but also because I’m a woman of color. But today! My voice can be heard. Which is why everytime I vote I feel empowered. Also, as the child of an Immigrant, and the first generation in America from his family, I feel like it’s my responsibility to exercise my right to vote not only for myself, but for everyone who doesn’t have a voice. Knowing that I played a role in picking our leadership means that I now have an indirect impact on the changes that are being made not just for today, but for our country’s future as well.  

From our Political Pipeline Director, Jarinete Santos

Elected leaders are met to represent us, the people. Voting is an important way to hold them accountable, express our views, and promote our values. Voting is a powerful tool, which is why so many people have fought for the right to vote. We honor these sacrifices by educating ourselves and participating in the decisions that shape our lives. 

From our Programs Manager, Kathleen Kiernan

Growing up, I always heard from my parents that voting is your constitutional right and many people have fought and died to secure it over hundreds of years, so don’t waste it. The older I got, the more I learned about how many disenfranchised people, including women like myself, gave their lives, their time, their energy, and more to ensure that all persons, no matter their background or what they look like, could participate in this democracy. I vote to honor them and to keep up their fight for the men and women who still are unable to vote in this country, whether that’s due to mass incarceration, unfair voter laws, or other barriers to voting. A healthy democracy is one where all citizens can freely participate, so let’s keep fighting y’all.


If you’ve already cast your ballot and are now looking for a way to play a role in the next election, look no further. We’ve got you covered with our fun and easy to use quiz!


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