Get to know Davida Williams
She Should Run is a nonpartisan nonprofit promoting leadership and encouraging women from all walks of life to run for office. We are driven by a vision of seeing 250,000 women run for office by 2030. Our programs provide an approachable starting place and network for women leaders considering a future run by providing community, resources, and growth opportunities.
Get To Know Davida Williams, a Spring Virtual Cohort Member
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
My name is Davida Williams and I grew up in Los Angeles, California. I am an actress and activist and hope to one day be involved in politics.
Has anyone ever encouraged you to run for office? If so, how did it make you feel?
My mom is my biggest supporter. She tells me to all the time. There’s a local city council seat open in my neighborhood and she repeatedly emails to run for it. I am taking this cohort so that I can be brave enough to actually open the link in the email.
Has anyone ever made you feel like you CAN’T be a leader? If so, how did that make you feel?
It happens quite a bit actually. I’m in an industry that’s mostly white and mostly male. I always say being a woman, namely one of color, means fighting for credit and recognition you already deserve.
Why did you explore the possibility of a run with the virtual cohort?
I signed up for the She Should Run newsletter after I heard Senator Kirsten Gillibrand speak about it. I am currently reading her book, Off The Sidelines, which encourages women to get out there and run. When I heard about the cohort, I immediately thought it was something I should try in order to dip my toes into the possibility of running and meet other like-minded women.
Have you had an “a-ha” moment in your life where you realized you CAN do this?
I realized I could maybe run when we elected a reality TV star, beauty pageant judge with no experience in politics to run the free world. I was always used to Presidents who had already served in Senate or Congress, and were poised and respectful to people they worked with, even if they weren’t in the same party. At John McCain’s funeral, Obama said that despite their differences, “We never doubted we were on the same team”. It made me realize we are in a time where anything is possible if people believe in your message. When I went to see Kirsten Gillibrand speak, she said, “Run for office. And you don’t have to start with City Council. The boys don’t!”.
Let’s say in a number of years from now, you run and you win! What would be your goal?
I have a lot of goals but I think they can all be summed up in equal rights. Everyone should be afforded the same opportunity no matter what race, gender, their sexuality, or how much money they grew up with. I think it starts with helping youth.
Do you have a favorite quote?
One of my favorite quotes is, “If you’re always trying to be normal, you’ll never know how amazing you can be” by Maya Angelou. I get lots of anxiety and I tend to stay away from taking-risks. But the older I get, I realize it’s now or never.
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