A New Chapter

| Shannon Sullivan

September is here, school is back in session, and the last of the summer days have passed. 

Though “new” might not be the first word that comes to mind when you think of autumn, it’s a big one on our minds at She Should Run; we hosted a second edition of our newest program, Power in Purpose, earlier this month, we’re working on some brand-new, innovative programs (one of which you can read about here), and we recently added two new members to our team… including me! I’m Shannon, She Should Run’s Digital Communications Manager–I’ll be running the content on this blog as well as our social media (shameless plug to follow us if you don’t already: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn). We’re also thrilled to have Amanda DiIulis join us as Senior Program Manager, but I’ll let her introduce herself below. 

A little about me: I’m based in New York, come from a government and NGO background, and have worked in digital communications for about seven years, most recently at the Cultural Services of the French Embassy. When I’m not at work typing away about how incredible and powerful women leaders are–and how we need more of them! –you can find me running around the city in search of a vegan treat or in the audience of the latest can’t-miss musical. Want to connect about our digital tools or just say hi? Drop me a line at [email protected]

Take it away, Amanda! 

Hey everyone! I am a Chicago transplant from New England with a diverse nonprofit background in various fields, such as youth development, animal welfare, and mental health services… you could say I have many interests. But I’m so excited to come into this new role where I get to be in the thick of creating exceptional programs for women to step into their leadership potential and see themselves running for office. Some of my favorite things include my bike, Love Island, white chocolate chips, my three cats, and connecting with my community. I’m always around, so feel free to reach me at [email protected].

That’s what’s new here at She Should Run! We’re excited to have some innovative things in the works and will share them with you as soon as we can.

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