3 Signs the Universe Wants You to Run for Office

| She Should Run

by Sarah Hopkins

It’s official: We are in the manifestation and personal growth era. ✨ It would be fantastic to be able to just wish ourselves into public office, but, unfortunately, it’s not that simple. Nonetheless, it is helpful to listen to our environment and ask ourselves: Is the universe telling me to run for office?

Here are a few ways to do a quick check-in!

Are you… 

1. Finding Yourself in Leadership Positions?


When there is a new project at work or a brainstorming session to choose the best spot for lunch, do you often spearhead the conversation? While running a campaign or serving in office, being a problem solver is integral to achieving your goals. Therefore, having experience–in your personal life or an organization–as a leader in unclear situations can be a great indicator of political potential. 

The confidence to nominate yourself for leadership opportunities is impressive, but so is having others look to you for guidance and ask you to step up to the challenge. Women are constantly looked to for direction–as managers, teachers, moms, and so much more–so be careful not to write off everyday calls to action!📣


2. Visualizing Change in Your Community?


As a woman of action, you look for ways to get involved in your community. Whether that be on a local, national, or international level, your commitment to bettering the lives of those around you is a great sign that you should run for office. Having an inner voice pushing you to try something new is a key motivator when starting your political journey. This inner voice may already be externalized as you pursue your passions, or it may be a signal to become the new voice of your community!

Feeling joyful when supporting others may just be the universe showing you a new calling–a calling to get into politics, that is. 


3. Noticing a Lack of Representation of Your Intersectionalities?


Staying politically informed is important, but it’s also eye-opening. 👀 The faces of the news may not reflect the one you see in the mirror, and as we frequently tell our community, REPRESENTATION MATTERS!!!

The lack of women in politics–especially those from historically underrepresented and marginalized communities–is the neon sign from the universe telling you to run. Seeing your values represented at all levels of public office matters, so follow that gut feeling and go for it!💪

There are so many ways to get into politics and, with the universe on your side, there is no better time to consider a run for office than now! So why not get started?

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